This musical has been postponed to 18.04.2022
After a two-year break, the successful musical “all you need is love!” Returns to the German-speaking stage in time for the triple anniversary of the most successful band of all time. 2020 will mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Beatles, their separation was 50 years ago and the show by producer Bernhard Kurz is also celebrating a milestone birthday. In 2000 the musical was seen for the first time on the lake stage at Chiemsee. Since then, the show with the original band from Las Vegas has performed more than 1,000 appearances in 14 countries and has an audience of millions.
The national press showered the makers and actors of the musical with hymns of praise in recent years. Some newspapers even said: “These are the best Beatles since the Beatles!”
It is true that it is not the originals that appear in the musical, but their perfectly coordinated counterparts: the quartet “Twist & Shout” with Alan LeBoeuf as Paul McCartney, Howard Arthur (John Lennon), John Brosnan (George Harrison) and Carmine Francis Grippo (Ringo Starr). In “all you need is love! – The Beatles Musical “, the exceptional artists resurrect the myth of the mushroom heads.
“Twist & Shout” convinces with professional live singing, where the audience believes that the Beatles have returned to the stage in person. With a lot of acting talent, the actors in original costumes tell interesting short stories about the British band’s steep career. “All you need is love!” Takes the audience back to the beginnings of the mushroom heads in Hamburg, through their first concerts, to their breakthrough in the USA and their rocket-like rise.
The musical homage to the most popular band of all time will cast its spell over the fans.